Are Save The Date Cards Necessary?

Save The DateAs you start to plan your wedding and the budget, you may start to consider cutting items that are not as important as others. Today, many brides are considering foregoing Save The Date Cards. Save The Date Cards have always been one of the most important parts of the wedding. They announce to friends and family that you are getting married and to mark the wedding date on the calendars. But, are they really necessary?

What Are Save The Date Cards?

A Save The Date Card services as the official announcement of your wedding date and location. In general, they let everyone know from family to friends that you are getting married. They are typically sent out about six months prior to the wedding. They let people know where the wedding will be held, the date of the wedding, and some types of even more information. The cards are especially important for out of town guests and for guests who will need to make arrangements from work to be able to attend the wedding. The cards are actually pretty important if you are having a destination wedding to let people know they must make travel plans. Guests will also tack them up on their refrigerators as a reminder. In addition, the Save The Dates mailing is like a test run for the final wedding invitation and they are a wonderful keepsake.

Text Or Email The Save The Date Information?

The Save The Date Cards are very formal. Today, some brides decide to cut this item for the budget and simply send the information by text or email. This is a great option for some brides and leaves more money from the budget for photos, entertainment and food/beverage. You can also spend a little more money on the engagement photos and show them off in your wedding digital announcement. However, you may have some members for your family who will still need a physical Save The Date card, but this can be done on an individual basis.

Whether you choose to mail Save The Date cards or email them, the important thing is just to let people know that your special day is coming soon. Click HERE to see our article on Wedding List: Who Should Get A Plus-One?